
§ 1: The community’s name is Indian Community of South Denmark (ICSD)

§ 2: The community is placed in Kolding Kommune.

§ 3: The community’s purpose is to make Indians feel at home and promote integration with the Danish society.

§ 4: Anybody who has an interest in the Indian community can become a member.

§ 5: The General Assembly (GA) is the community’s highest authority. Date of GA must be published at least 3 weeks in advance. Proposals for the GA shall be given to the ICSD board at least 2 weeks before the GA.

In case of a pandemic situation, the GA can be held virtually.

The agenda shall cover the following areas: 

  • Choosing a facilitator for the GA
  • Choosing a person to summarize in writing
  • ICSD President's report
  • Presentation of accounts
  • Defining the membership fee for the coming period
  • Presentation and handling of proposals from the members
  • Election of board members( 2 board members every even year and 3 board members every odd year)
  • Election of auditor
  • Any other business (AOB)

The elected board members will meet shortly after GA to decide roles for each board member.

§ 6: The general assembly has authority to make decisions regardless of the number of appearing members. The only exception to this is ending the community and the usage of funds. To end the community, no less than 2/3 of the members must vote in favor. 

§ 7: Extraordinary GA can be arranged at any time by the board. Information of an extraordinary GA must be at least 14 days in advance.

§ 8: Leadership consists of the board. The board represents the community in all relations. The board's decisions and actions, which are in harmony with the community’s purpose and rules obligates the community. The board consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Public Relations (PR1) and PR2. The number of board members must always be an odd number. Every board member has only one vote. 

§ 9: The community’s funds are administrated by the treasurer and kept in a bank account created in the name of Indian Community of South Denmark. Two board members (President and Treasurer) should have transactional access to the ICSD bank account. It is also recommended to have view only access to remaining 3 board members.

§ 10: Application for ICSD membership must be forwarded to the board. Payment of ICSD membership fee is prerequisite to join ICSD. The membership fee is nonrefundable.

§ 11: Working for the community is unpaid. Expenses related to the work of the community can be covered upon approval of the board. 

§ 12: Resignation from the ICSD board must be submitted in writing to the board at least 14 days prior to the non-availability of the member for any of the ICSD related activities.

§ 13: Changes to these rules can be made at any GA, regardless of the number of appearing members, if at least 50% of the members present vote for the changes. Only exception to this is mentioned in § 6. 

§ 14: The board can exclude a member, if a majority in the board finds that the member in question have explicated a behavior which goes against the interests of the community. Members can submit questions regarding exclusion via email to the board. To which, board must respond within 14 days.

§ 15: The community is only liable for its commitments with the funds of the community. Neither the members nor the board are personally liable for the community’s commitments. 

§ 16: In the case of dissolution, the community assets will be given to non-profit purposes, which is decided at the GA or extraordinary GA.

§ 17: Board can have only 1 member from a family.

§ 18: Person from same family cannot have same role in the board for more than 2 consecutive years.

§ 19: All communication with the board must be via official email ID.

§ 20: Every person who is ICSD member (family or individual) and is of age 18 and above has an independent vote.


Friday 9th Febuary 2024

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